Brexit: Como afectara el Real Estate? ***En Espanol***


1) Que pasara con el Real Estate en Chicago?
2) Que pasara con el Real Estate en Miami? NY, LA o Boston?
3) Tasas de Interes, bajaran o subiran?
4) Va a bajar el comercio con Europa mainland?
5) Va frustar oportunidades a jovenes?
6) Disminuira la burocracia, el planeamiento central y las excesivas regulaciones?
7) Los pueblos tienen derecho a determiner su destino.
Cual es su opinion? Me encantaria conocerla! Comente abajo por favor.

Aldi and Ross will replace the former Bank of America site in Six Corners

Wednesday night, Clark Street Real Estate revealed their plans to develop the former site of Bank of America in Six Corners 4747 W. Irving Park Road (Milwaukee, Irving Park and Cicero) in Portage Park.


CSRE acquired approximately 4 acres at the prominent Six Corners intersection of Irving Park Road, Cicero Avenue & Milwaukee Avenue from Bank of America. CSRE plans to develop an exciting retail project that fits within the fabric of the community and acts as a catalyst for the revitalization of the historic Six Corners Shopping District.

The project will include approximately 100,000 square feet of retail on the first level, approximately 270 parking spaces on the second level with a continuous pattern of building abutting the sidewalks of Irving Park Road and Milwaukee Avenue. The loading and access points to the parking deck will be on Kilpatrick Avenue. The Alderman and Six Corners Association have emphasized the pedestrian circulation system and public spaces that have been thoughtfully included in the Project’s plan.

The site is currently under demolition with plans for construction to commence summer 2016.

Why choosing 24 Hour Real Estate

Why you should work with 24 Hour Real Estate LLC? Because we will always look for your best interest not ours. We are investors. We will advise you based not on “what we read others do”, we will advise you based on our daily deals. You will copy our successes and leverage our experiences. We are 24/7 and we truly mean it. We will work within your schedule, not ours. Finally, we share the same dreams of home ownership and financial independence that you have so it is a pleasure and a privilege to help you.